Grand Champion Catdancing Moonriver Mist
platinum mink female, 2 years old
of Breed Southern region 2003-2004 season
The Tonkinese is a stunning feline, attracting attention for its appealing physical appearance & engaging
personality. This breed blends the distinctive characteristics of their Burmese & Siamese relatives, resulting in a cat
with their own unique identity. "The Tonkinese is a breed of ancient and splendid natural heritage. It is a
sister breed - the equal - to the Siamese and Burmese." (Dr.C.Bird)
Our Tonks come in 4 colors; Platinum, Blue, Natural & Champagne. Each color comes in 3 different coat patterns;
Point - high contrast, Mink - medium contrast, & full color/solid with low contrast. Eye color ranges from blue to
aqua to green or gold/green.
They have good muscular development & although sleek looking, are surprisingly heavy
for their appearance.
Tonks are people oriented cats, & want to be with you all the time. They are warm, loving,
mischievous, active & athletic. They are frequently known to fetch and shoulder ride. Tonks do talk, but not excessively.
They usually adjust well to other animals in the household.
Care should be taken to train your Tonk before he trains
you! These cats are intelligent & master manipulators. It is essential to keep them indoors, as they have NO outside survival
skills. Their fearless curiosity can lead to injury or fatality outdoors.
Tonks are fabulous cats & the very best
Once you have been owned by a Tonk, you are hooked forever.
